Here is a high fidelity design I created for the application "Work" center design concept. This design consistently defined the navigation, the controls and the content to be displayed on the work-related tabs across SAP applications. This example shows a Purchasing example.

Here's a design I defined for the SAP User Interface Standards - Worklist Design. This is a sample from a detailed design specification I wrote. I was responsible for standardizing the design of the primary worklist page. This concept was used to consistently present and take action on work-related items. For example, a list of purchase orders would be listed with the ability to sort and take actions on the items.

Here's a high fidelity design of the application homepage and grouped "Work" Center UI Standard concept I defined. This version presents the same design with an alternative visual treatment. This alternative was defined for a different client platform at SAP. This concept consistently presented work-related tasks across SAP applications.

Whiteboard Sketch - Here's a sample of one of my whiteboard design sketches for the Navigation UI standard I was responsible for at SAP. This sketch describes the navigation within and outside the main homepage window.

Here's a sample of a UI Standards Design Brief I wrote. I collaborated with another UX Designer to write a condensed and more visual representation of the 1000+ page UI Standards document.

Here's a sample of a UI Standards Design Brief I wrote with another UX Designer. This objective of the Design Brief was to provide a condensed and more visual representation of the 1000+ page UI Standards document. This table provided a quick How To guide to on when to use different designs.

Here's a section of the UI Standards Design brief I wrote. I collaborated with another UX Designer on the Design Brief. I was responsible for the next generation SAP Navigation and window model UI Design Standard. This page illustrates and describes the primary navigation flows in SAP applications.

Here's a section of the UI Standards Design brief I wrote. I was responsible for the next generation SAP Navigation and window model UI Design Standard. This page illustrates and describes a Search navigation flow.