Work done while Woofing in Oregon, while on a sojourn to find inspiration to write a novel.
Hand drawn Salsa Verde label for a Farm during time spent Woofing while penning a novel about understanding the meaning of life and living on the road.
CSA flyers for distribution to generate sales of produce grown, created for Cedar Rock Farm.
Project Vegas People's Liberation Launch
CADs of Booth Design elements for ideal Flex Fabric's showcasing
Table set ups for Buyer's meetings
Posters for back walls to catch attention
After all elements were approved by management, trips were taken to LA Fashion District vendors to purchase mannequins & all other items, and to have posters printed. Managed the packing up all items to ship to Vegas, and personally unpacked all upon arrival and set up. Visited many vendors while there for trend reporting later.
No. Name New Branding items
(More images in Branding & Marketing project folder)
Sunrise Brands
Branding & Marketing
Work done while Woofing in Oregon, while on a sojourn to find inspiration to write a novel.