Developing innovative ways to integrate IP into the industrial design process. Recognized authority in the area of design patents. Expert in acquisition and management of IP rights, particularly in the patent area. Over ten years experience in helping clients obtain the best possible protection for products and brands in the consumer electronic, medical device, footwear, and automotive, industries (and more).
Thorough understanding of the design and innovation processes gained by studying industrial design at Pratt Institute and NYU. By combining design acumen with experience mechanical engineering and law, I am able to provide a unique approach to the practice of IP law focused on the unique ways in which designers create innovative products and services.
"The Design of Design Patents" article series for, viewable at
"The Other Side of Patents: What Design Can Gain from Looking Beyond the Lawsuits", dmi:review, vol.27, issue 4, p.20 (2017).
American Intellectual Property Law Association (AIPLA) - Current Vice Chair for the subcommittee for education and event planning for the Industrial Designs Committee.