The Hub2O provides a way to help users reduce the vast amounts water wasted in the kitchen meets this need, focusing first on the user and making the kitchen faucet more convenient, which in turn, makes it easier for the user to consume less water. The Hub2O thenThe Hub2O provides a way to help users reduce the vast amounts water wasted in the kitchen meets this need, focusing first on the user and making the kitchen faucet more convenient, which in turn, makes it easier for the user to consume less water. The Hub2O then incorporates features geared toward usage monitoring, both for the faucet itself as well as comprehensive whole-house monitoring. incorporates features geared toward usage monitoring, both for the faucet itself as well as comprehensive whole-house monitoring.
The development of Hub2O’s form revolved around creating a look that competes with the sculptural designs of the most well-designed kitchen faucets while providing haptic and visual signaling of its advanced features. The form development also considered ergonomics and integration into existing kitchen sink design.
Most modern appliances use electronics to expand the range of user control and to provide additional convenience. The Hub2O follows suit, taking full advantage of electronics to bring advanced control and enhanced features to the kitchen sink using digitally-controlled electronic valves.
The Hub2O makes full use of the capabilities provided by its electronic controls to further enhance its capabilities by dispensing special water sources and providing controlled dispensing in predetermined amounts. Sensors installed in other water sources can expand the monitoring functions of the Hub2O, and an internet connection can transmit the results to an online service that provides the user with customized tips on water conservation via e-mail. The Hub2O can also be expanded to provide water for other kitchen appliances or devices, such as a coffee maker.
Michael Hages
Partner at Price Heneveld LLP Grand Rapids, MI