Back of Digital Scans, hole filled in Zbrush. As you can see, there is a lot of sculpt work to do.
Final digital 3D output assembled from 3D Printer.
Final Ralph Head sculpt, painted
Final Michael Head sculpt, painted
Final Cake Topper, painted, at event
Final Cake Topper upon their cake at the wedding.
Presentation of Cake Topper to Michael and Ralph at their rehearsal dinner the night before the wedding.
Unpainted Cake Topper 3D Output next to the 3" Wedding Favor
Final 3" Wedding Favors (140 pieces) Set up for giveaway at the wedding.
Wedding Cake Topper and Favors

This was one of the most fun projects I've ever done. As a gift to my very dear friends, Michael & Ralph, I created a Wedding Cake topper of them, in a vintage style photograph pose (2017). It started with body scans, then touch up of the digital sculpt in Zbrush. (Additional digital modeling by Rafael Fernandez Jr.)
They were not scanned in the exact suits, so we had to model and design the final look. The heads were sculpted by Tony Reynolds, and touched up by myself, with the aid of Katie Adams (Ralph's best friend since highschool). Paint done by and Jamie Orsillo.

I aslo created wedding favors of Michael & Ralph in a silly pose and mold/cast about 140 pieces to giveaway.

Freelance, Full-time, Moonlighting
Michael Gulen
Product Designer/Industrial Designer/ Creative Director/ Rapid Prototyper Califon, NJ