Cocktail mailer part one. This fun mailer hit homes in November 2011, right before Thanksgiving. The idea was to invite people receiving the mailer to a fun "cocktail party" full of savings. This high-end-looking mailer had a black finish that stood out from a sea of white envelopes.
Cocktail mailer part two. The inside of the mailer featured a prominent martini glass with a cocktail ring inside, perfect for wearing to holiday events. The special, invite-only URL offered secret savings for the select audience receiving this "invitation". The copy suggested a way to avoid adverse weather and crowds by shopping online for a special someone. Additionally, this mailer contained two smaller, identical "invites" (not shown) that the recipient could hand to someone to pass along the savings.
HP came in with one imperative; to incorporate their new logo and tagline into messaging about saving money. I came up with the concept of flipping a coin to mirror their new direction/tagline and developed the idea further into a fleshed out idea.
When PC Connection was looking for new employees, we had an opportunity to advertise in a Roman newspaper being handed out to patrons of "A Night at the Forum". One of our own was also acting in play; I asked him to dress up as his character and we shot him in our onsite studio. The copy was pure fun.
Valentine's Day mailer part one. This mailer was sent to male customers in order to entice them to buy something other than the usual candy and roses for Valentine's Day. It also introduced the new jewelry collection that I named and its concept gives the customer the opportunity to see who he might want to become. Good advertising at its heart reflects our dreams, needs, and desires, while catering to those ideals.
Valentine's mailer part two. The inside of this mailer offered a sweet deal for Valentine's Day; up to $100 off, a specialized URL, clever copy, and bold jewelry on display.
Ah, the iPod. Apple has changed the way we listen to music. Out of the many catalog spreads I've written, this is one of my favorites, because the product is so astoundingly innovative. I love being able to get excited about the project/product I'm writing for; it only fuels my creativity.
An example of major copy editing.
The food catalogs at BU were so much fun to write and edit. They were always challenging since the descriptions came in piece meal and often not written very well, but I loved putting the pieces of these tasty puzzles together.
Your basic incentive promotion. This was for Priceline, and offered a free portable DVD player in addition to special pricing.
This Sony trade-in program was an opportunity to make what might have been purely informative copy into a more interesting play on words.

Adventures in print copywriting and editing.

Freelance, Full-time, Moonlighting
Michele Galgana
Senior Copywriter / Film Journalist CA