Unusual Calender

I found inspiration from Dr.
Seuss on this project and decided
to create a calendar that somewhat
represented and reflected his work
as well as creating a tribute to him.
The ribbon like organization, I
found, gave it way to easily follow
the date and decipher the days of
the week. I also created a transition
between the months because
I wanted them to look like they
belonged together, yet different in
their own unique way.
I also used the color of birthstones
to decide each color of the
month to have a semblance of unity
within each month itself, yet different
for its counter parts.
The background as pure white
was too empty. To solve this, I
placed a distorted pattern behind
the ribbons and basic text and
ghosted it so that it didn’t overpower
the main focus.

Within this folder are two calenders, one with a 11x17 layout and another standing calender at 4.5x6

Michelle Nunez
Purdue University Graduate Chicago, IL