Name without Illustration
Full Logo
Illustration without Name
George's Resturant Logo

The owner of a small diner wanted to reinvent a logo for her restaurant since she did not currently have one. She wanted only black and white because printing in black and white was the most cost efficient for her.
Starting this project off, she gave me specifics of what she wanted. This included a picture of her father who started the business cutting a gyro since they are most known for their gyros.
With it being a family business I wanted it to reflect the family in someway as well as the gyro. To do this, I found a font that had a Greek look to it, as well as creating the G in "Georges" to consist of the Greek letter gamma and the resemblance of a gyro.
I had to work with a few older pictures she had of her father to assemble him in a gray-scaled illustration.
By combining the name of the restaurant, and the illustration, I reached the final logo that is shown.

Michelle Nunez
Purdue University Graduate Chicago, IL