Original Logo
Primary Logo - Full
Primary Logo - Illustration Only
Primary Logo - Name Only
Primary Logo - No Illustration
Secondary Logo - Full Logo
Secondary Logo - Illustration Only
Secondary Logo - Name Only
Secondary Logo - No Illutration
Colors Used Primary and Secondary

A small computer fixing business wanted to recreate their logo. The owner wanted it simple, yet he wanted it to resemble something their business. He also wanted to try to incorporate EC in the logo if that could be managed some how.
I took a blueprint of a computer circuit to create what resembles an E turned at 45 degrees. I turned it this way to give more depth to it so that it wouldn't feel too plain. I added what appears to be a screen loading symbol in the background in the shape of a C, incorporating both letters the owner wanted.
The colors were requested specifically by the owner, I just complied.
For the name of the business, I wanted to keep the fonts he originally had and simply changed the 2 to match that font since the owner wanted it to be formatted the same way as the EC.
Because E.C. are initials he wanted to mark I used the same circuit blueprint style to create the line that separates the name from the text "computers."

Michelle Nunez
Purdue University Graduate Chicago, IL