Conference Booklet Layout

For this project, we had to use the information given to us to create a layout for a conference booklet. Our goals were to decide what needed to be grouped together, what was more important, and to make the schedule readable as well as to create a cover.

The first task I took was to create a logo for the conference. Since it was a research conference, I wanted decided to create something that connected because the purpose of research is to share it. Once shared, the next researcher breaks off from the original idea, and to see if something else will work, and so on. From this, I created a looping logo that spreads from an original origin yet connects to the next illustration.

For the layout, I used color, size, bars, rules, and different typefaces to show contrast in students, their universities, and their articles. As well as the difference in days, times, and categories.

This was a fairly simple layout, that required knowing what to group and the understanding of layouts.

Michelle Nunez
Purdue University Graduate Chicago, IL