Graphic Designer - Production Hub Personnel
St. Albert, Canada
Jan 2015 - Present (10 years 2 months)
This position is a transfer from the Athabasca Advocate to the Gazette Press Office, both locations being owned by Great West Newspapers. My responsibilities remain of the same nature, but increased to include all papers owned across the province. I create layouts for 10 different weekly Alberta publications, generate classified pages for 5 papers and upload finalized pages to the press for 4 newspapers. In addition to paginating these various publications, I also work in AffinityXpress for creating and/or queueing hundreds of advertisements for over 15 weekly publications.
Production Manager & Graphic Designer
Athabasca, Canada
Aug 2008 - Jan 2015 (6 years 5 months)
My responsibilities included creating advertisements for weekly newspaper print, working on strict deadlines, communicating with the customer and/or sales representatives to determine what elements are necessary in the advertisement, providing multiple proofs to the client as needed, editing photos for print, uploading finalized pages to the press, creating the layout of each week’s newspaper, archiving ad files and artwork, training new production staff, building ads and layout of additional special features at different times of the year (ie. Christmas Songbook, Oil & Gas, Community Phone Directory) to accompany the weekly newspaper.