VTC Clarity Concept - Knowing our target audience happens to be women ages 35-65, we decided to use something we know they can't resist -- a cute dog! I think this ensures they'll at least open the e-mail!
PayABill - Paper Empire - This is an e-mail we did for PayABill, ARC's Electronic Invoice Solution. We use the crumbled paper background and play on words to convey this message. The tone is in line with our brand image of colloquial, fun, and a little bit off the wall!
DataXpert - Spend Your Ad Dollars More Wisely - This e-mail challenges cost-conscious airlines to spend their ad dollars more wisely.
Sharp Mary Birch Hospital for Women & Newborns is on a journey to achieve Magnet Recognition -- the highest honor a hospital can receive for nursing excellence -- by 2014. This was the first e-newsletter we created to begin educating staff. It introduces the theme of French Intensive Gardening that will be used throughout this educational campaign and likens the hard work it takes to create one of these gardens to the hard work it will take to achieve Magnet Designation.
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Client: Jani-King International 1 - This is one of the examples of the SEO articles I write for an interactive agency and their client, Jani-King International. The goal is to populate the web with SEO-rich content using keywords from various pages on the client's site. I am given a word limit, keyword list, and keyword density of 3-5% as guidelines.
Client: Jani-King International 2 - This is one of the examples of the SEO articles I write for an interactive agency and their client, Jani-King International. The goal is to populate the web with SEO-rich content using keywords from various pages on the client's site. I am given a word limit, keyword list, and keyword density of 3-5% as guidelines.
Email, newsletters
Freelance, Full-time, Moonlighting
Matt Davan
Marketing Manager / Copywriter San Diego, CA