Print Ad - A campaign I created to promote the idea of finding the perfect puzzle piece to fit yours. It takes the perfect pieces to find love, and using you could find love faster than having to go through all of the wrong pieces that just don't fit. This is the print ad I developed. Billboard #1 - A campaign I created to promote the idea of finding the perfect puzzle piece to fit yours. It takes the perfect pieces to find love, and using you could find love faster than having to go through all of the wrong pieces that just don't fit. This is the first of 3 billboards cars will see on the highway. Billboard #2 - A campaign I created to promote the idea of finding the perfect puzzle piece to fit yours. It takes the perfect pieces to find love, and using you could find love faster than having to go through all of the wrong pieces that just don't fit. This is the second billboard people will see while driving on the highway. Billboard #3 - A campaign I created to promote the idea of finding the perfect puzzle piece to fit yours. It takes the perfect pieces to find love, and using you could find love faster than having to go through all of the wrong pieces that just don't fit. This is the final billboard people will see while driving on the highway.
Elevator ad for Puzzle Campaign - Every time the elevator closes, the puzzle pieces form a perfect match.
Panera Sponsorship with - Great place to get single's attention! People who are single that know of this promotion will hopefully become curious of and how they can benefit from it.
Local Bars Sponsorship with - Most singles hang out at bars, so that's why it's a great demographic to hit. Puzzles pieces will be all around the bar as well as passed around. Goal is to make singles aware of Redone/Banner - Site will be redone to feature new campaign. A banner ad will flash at the bottom allowing user to play game. After matching the puzzle pieces together, user will then be taken to view their Daily Matches after signing in (can choose to play or just view matches by clicking 'next' which will allow user to skip the game.
View PDF Facebook blog promotion - Using Facebook, those who have 'liked' can click on 'Match Success' and be directed to the official Blog where they can read about couples who have been matched and married from meeting on the site. They can also submit a story of their own!
iphone App/game for - A fun puzzle game that allows user to shake and watch as matches come together. Will take user to their daily matches when they match up their pieces. Brief for my Ideas - Here you will learn about my though process of developing this campaign and why I chose the executions I did.
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gLike Mock Campaign

Created a mock campaign for current dating service site, Used the concept of puzzle imagery to refer to finding your special someone.

Freelance, Full-time
Maria Hetrick
Social Media Manager Nashville, TN