Freelance Creative & Artworker
Mérida, Spain
Aug 2016 - Present (8 years 7 months)
I have returned to Spain and am back working from home (long distance) as a freelance. My main skills are as a creative and artworker for print and digital media, but I also have some experience in web design and have recently gained experience in UX/UI design. I am primarily hoping to provide artworking services to clients, and offer up my advanced technical skills with Photoshop, InDesign and Illustrator.
Senior Artworker & Creative
Kinetic Creative Ltd
Northampton, United Kingdom
Apr 2014 - Aug 2016 (2 years 4 months)
My primary role at the company was artworker for all print production but I also participated heavily in design projects and assisted in a creative capacity designing layouts for both print and digital media. I prepared graphics for web, app design, image prep and image retouching (Photoshop). I gained experience in marketing campaigns, branding and UX/UI design. I also shared my more than 25 years of knowledge and technical experience with design software (Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator) in mentoring Junior members of the design team.
Freelance Creative & Artworker
Mérida, Spain
Jan 2011 - Apr 2014 (3 years 3 months)
I freelanced as a creative and artworker for local printers and small businesses, creating posters, books, catalogues, flyers, logos, branding manuals and all kinds of other material in both print and digital format. I also specialized in photo-montages, image retouching, colour adjustment and restoration. I branched out into web design and digital publications and designed and constructed websites for several very satisfied clients. I collaborated in an aerial photography website and was responsible for managing the site and retouching and adjusting all of the images.
Freelance Creative & Artworker
Rodríguez Comunicación
Mérida, Spain
Oct 2007 - Dec 2010 (3 years 2 months)
I offered clients an integral design service and landed several large accounts due to my reputation with previous employers. Services centred on design and artwork for catalogues, posters, books, magazines and publicity, also logo and corporate image design. Other services included image editing (retouching, photo-montages, etc.) and digital printing.
Creative & Artworker
Artes Gráficas Rejas, S.L.
Mérida, Spain
Oct 1998 - Apr 2007 (8 years 6 months)
I worked in the design and pre-press department of this regional printer and my main job was to design, layout and artwork books, posters, magazines and all kinds of other material for print. I was also in charge of scanning and retouching all images, creating photo-montages, outlining and also preparing images for print. I was responsible for preparing all vector graphics (graphs, logos, plans, maps, etc..) for use in different publications.
Creative & Artworker
Taller de comunicación Integral, S.L. (T.C.I.)
Mérida, Spain
Feb 1998 - Sep 1998 (7 months)
I was hired for a temporary position to work in collaboration with a regional newspaper called Diario Hoy. I worked on the design, layout and artwork of several different publications in collectible form to be sold weekly with the newspaper. I was also responsible for the elaboration of all the graphic material included in these publications (scanning and retouching images, creation of maps, graphs and charts).
Junior Creative & Artworker
Servicios y Promociones Extremeñas, S.A.L.
Mérida, Spain
Mar 1991 - Jul 1997 (6 years 4 months)
I started at this company as an apprentice for 4 years before becoming a junior member of the creative team in 1995. I was responsible for scanning, retouching and outlining all images for catalogues and other publicity. I gained experience in image restoration and photo-montages. I worked with Freehand creating graphs, logos, plans, maps and other material for use in different publications. I also worked with QuarkXPress designing and artworking layouts for posters, catalogues, books, magazines and other printed materials. This is where I became and artworker.