Hi, this is Mansingh meena currently pursuing B.tech in Mechanical Engineering from IIIT Design & Manufacturing Kancheepuram, Chennai, India. I am a Mechanical Engineer by profession and a Designer at heart. My area of interests lies in Conceptual Design, 3D Modelling, Art, Photography, Robotics, frugal innovation(Jugaad). I am an ambivert. I always try to be an active team member and try my level best to do the work perfectly. I always like challenges and taking risks, because I believe that this is the only thing that can test the ability and patience of the person. Nature is my inspiration. I like spending some of my time with nature and observing and absorbing things. Currently, I am seeking for Internship in the field of Industrial Design. You can reach me at mobile: 9566021028 email id: mdm15b008@iiitdm.ac.in, wayeducation2016@gmail.com,starmanojbharti@gmail.com,meenamansingh2017@gmail.com