Soul 2 Sole Foot Massage - Logo Design - foot massage,reflexology,traditional,culture,chinese,calligraphy,brush stroke,health care,therapy
Billabong - Logo Design - Billabong is well known in the beach apparel. This logo was created solely for Billabong beverage products. Just like other Billabong's merchandising logo, the new logo must express the energetic and fun culture of the brand.
Pink Walk logo - A breast cancer walk organized by Rupini's Beauty centre to raise awareness and funds for breast cancer foundation.
What the fish logo design
Stories of The Field - Logo Design - This logo comprises of an opened book which also takes on the shape of an eye. The book opens up, with its folding pages coming together to form the shape of a heart with the world in the middle. It represents true stories, documentation of events. The folding pages from the opposite sides represents stories from all over the world coming to form love for the world. The eye represents visual, movies, films & the window's to one's soul.