SPACE SAVING || Explanatory thumbnail sketches of space-saving table concepts | Biro
ENVELOPE || Exploration sketches of Envelope stool | Fine liner
SPACE SAVING || Exploration thumbnail sketches of space-saving storage concepts | Fine liner
SPACE SAVING || Exploration thumbnail sketches of space-saving table concepts | Fine liner
ALI || Close up detail sketch of Ali lantern | Biro, Magic Marker
DEX || Front elevation marker sketch detailing material elements of Dex office chair concept, presented to client | Biro, Magic Marker, Photoshop, Illustrator
DEX || Isometric marker sketch of Dex office chair concept, presented to client | Biro, Magic Marker, Photoshop, Illustrator
DEX || Side elevation marker sketch of Dex office chair concept, presented to client | Biro, Magic Marker, Photoshop, Illustrator
DEX || Isometric marker sketch detailing material elements of Dex office chair concept, presented to client | Biro, Magic Marker, Photoshop, Illustrator
DEX || Side elevation marker sketch of Dex office chair concept, presented to client | Biro, Magic Marker, Photoshop, Illustrator
SPACE SAVING || Explanatory marker sketch of space saving room divider concept, presented to end user | Biro, Magic Marker, Illustrator
SPACE SAVING || Explanatory marker sketch of space saving table concept, presented to end user | Biro, Magic Marker, Illustrator
SPACE SAVING || Explanatory marker sketch of space saving table concept, presented to end user | Biro, Magic Marker, Illustrator