Design Futures Pecha Kucha - 2050 Urban Homes
By 2050, 75% of the world’s population will live in cities. Because of the influx of people in city living, a greater focus on designing for an urban population is necessary to maintain a good standard of living. To explore this topic, research was conducted into current and future trends in demographics, sustainability and technology by reading trend forecasting websites and consulting expert opinion. To analyse the research a timeline of events was created to see how they interact with each other. From the timeline, some events were highlighted that could have a profound effect on the role of design in the future. Some events include the possibility of the retirement age extending to seventy years, oil demand outpacing supply, global food and water crises, and human-like A.I. becoming reality. These researched predictions were used to form a picture of what urban living may look like in 2050.