Graphic & Product Designer
Freelance Contracts
Sep 2010 - Present (14 years 6 months)
Designed graphic labels, brochures, flyers, banners, posters and marketing materials for clients in the US & South American bottle manufacturers
Design Director
Detroit, MI
Jan 2013 - Oct 2018 (5 years 9 months)
Building on a foundation and lifelong passion for art and design, we grew Missing Link™ from a startup through creative business planning and innovative marketing. Coordinated, designed and ran multiple marketing campaigns using the MailChimp platform for holiday sales and vendor promotions. Designed and ran a successful trade show booth at the 2012 Travel Goods Show in Las Vegas, NV. Designed the booth, marketing material such as: brochures, business cards, flyers, etc.
Starting from the ground up, developed the corporate identity (website, mobile app and administrator portal) and innovative solution for the retrieval of lost items for customers. Directed marketing efforts to promote visibility and introduce new products. Successfully was able to file and receive all patents for technology of the online lost & found platform. Successfully raised investment capital to launch company on a national platform with strategic partnerships from investors.
Graphic & Product Designer
Miramar, FL
Sep 2010 - Jan 2013 (2 years 4 months)
As a designer I feel like it’s very important to integrate yourself with the team. Worked on delivering engaging and powerful graphic packages for plastic packaging options for clients like: Pepsico, Coca-Cola and various customers in South America. Helped develop various marketing material for trade shows in the South American market including: Brazil, Colombia and Argentina. Designed the trade show booth for a dairy show in Brazil in coordination with the production staff. Also designed the marketing material such as: flyers, brochures and sample bottle labels for specific for the show.