Hi! I'm an half French half Italian designer, passioned about computers, 3d modeling, drawing and music. I started my career with a Bachelor degree in industrial design and I became the tutor and coordinator of a multicultural course in “interior yacht design” at IED (European Institute of Design) in Rome. During this period of education and working experience I have made an internship for one year in an architecture studio as a 3d modeler and dicscovered my passion for "bringing ideas to life".
In 2012/2013 I have finished studying and started to work as a freelance: During this period I was in touch with an architect and a boat builder, and we started the “Aquo 5.5” rib project. From 2014 to the end of 2015 I worked as 3d artist for “aCrm NET S.r.l.” I had the chace to spend 2017 in "Monte Carlo Yacht" as a designer and 3d modeler.