Freelance Marketing Writer
New York, NY
Feb 2016 - Present (9 years 1 month)
Branding Strategist/Copywriter
New York, NY
Jun 2015 - Present (9 years 9 months)
- Created client case studies
- Crafted website copy for Lightmatter's redesigned site
- Working on the brand's messaging and tone guide
- Creating a technical processes (development, UI, UX, web design, etc) document
- Wrote a VC Investment deck
- Working on the brand's content and social media strategy
- Writing technology and design blog posts for the company's site
Brand Strategist/Copywriter
New York, NY
Jun 2015 - Present (9 years 9 months)
- Crafted website copy for David's redesigned site
- Working on the brand's messaging and tone guide
- Creating blog posts for company's blog
- Developing the brand's content and social media strategy
Brand Strategist/Copywriter
Sony Generator
Jun 2015 - Present (9 years 9 months)
-Creating a brand messaging and tone guide
-Creating product descriptions best practices
-Creating a social media and content strategy
Freelance Copywriter
May 2015 - Present (9 years 10 months)
- Created a new brand voice
- Created new content and copy for banners and every page of the website
- Wrote case study overviews
- Developed a job description best practices guide
New York, NY
Mar 2015 - Present (10 years)
- Create compelling and engaging copy across 10 industries
- Simplify technical language into digestible copy
Marketing Manager
New York, NY
Mar 2015 - Present (10 years)
- Working with outside creative agencies for a rebrand and website relaunch
- Manages Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google+ (Business), and LinkedIn Company Page
- Writes press releases, articles, and blog content
- Works with radio advertising negotiations
- Negotiates project budgets and deadlines
- Light graphic design and html for social channels
- Reports to VP of operations and CEO
- Handles all media communications
Contributing Writer
Sep 2014 - Present (10 years 6 months)
I write Food & Restaurant Reviews for this company.
Technical Writer
Aug 2014 - Present (10 years 7 months)
I write web content for B&H's Surveillance and Security category. I research information sources, directly contact manufacturers, standardize technical specifications, and simplify complex features. Also, I contribute to the B&H Explora blog, write blurbs/extended blurbs as well as video script tech checks. In addition to this, I created a Surveillance and Security Glossary and Content Guide for outsource writing teams.
Contributing Writer
Jun 2014 - Present (10 years 9 months)
I write Lifestyle articles, beauty product, and fashion tips for business professionals to make sure they're feeling confident and looking their best without having to spend hours in front of a mirror.
NY Beauty Expert
Jun 2014 - Present (10 years 9 months)
I write Beauty and Skincare articles that focus on DIY green beauty. I expose readers to the concept of "beauty from the inside-out," share diet tips and chemical-free cosmetic and fragrance lines and eco-friendly skincare alternatives. In addition to this, I share confidence boosting tips and ways to avoid getting tangled in the unnatural standards created by the Beauty and Fashion industries.
Consulting Business Analyst
Yerevan, Armenia
Apr 2014 - Present (10 years 11 months)
I met with Biology and Archaeology professors, who were attempting to create something that had never been heard of in Armenia: an Applied Biology and Archaeology research and development hub that would focus on improving the quality of agriculture and livestock health, offer Genetics and Genomics services like DNA plant fingerprinting, and work with Armenian wine making company, Areni to spur Wine tourism.
I was made project manager and business developer overnight and received a personal phone call from US Ambassador, John Heffern, who had heard of my involvement in the project. I was charged with teaching a group of post-doctoral students and a professor about business writing and strategic planning. None of the members on my team had ever encountered American-style business documentation, formal business practice, metrics, and sustainable development.
I sent my team Harvard Business Review articles about strategic roadmaps and business development. I then created a custom set of questions and a task list for this three-part project that would focus on creating a 5-year business development plan, luxury wine tourism, and for-fee DNA/Forensics services. In addition to this, the Bioscience Center is planning to create wine soaps and other beauty products derived from its Ancient Biology research. I proposed creating an YSU brand and logo, which would then appear on already established companies’ brand labels with which it would partner. Given YSU’s international memberships, this dual-branded approach would help raise the credibility of national companies in the international community’s eyes, and bring in an important source of independent funding to the Bioscience Center.
It's been a pleasure working with a motivated and dedicated team that’s flourished in a cooperative and collaborative environment despite setbacks like a lack of government support and funding.
Food & Restaurant Reviewer
New York, NY
Oct 2012 - Present (12 years 5 months)
After working as a freelance writer and photographer for my friend, Adrian Ashby, dubbed "The Cook-Off King of Queens," and being that I come from a line of 'Old World' cooks and grew up in my grandmother's kitchen, I applied to Examiner.com's Manhattan Restaurant Reviewer position, and I've been lucky enough to dine at some of New York City's greatest hidden gems. I like adapting the recipes I've reviewed, and sharing healthier versions of my favorite meals with readers.
Contributing Writer
Skyword Inc.
2010 - Present (15 years)
Skyword Inc., holds a special place in my heart because it was the first company that took a chance on a relatively unknown writer. I became Bounty paper towel's Arts & Crafts and Food Writer and have enjoyed creating SEO-rich content focusing on upcycled crafts and healthy, GMO-free eating.
Creative Writer
Sep 2000 - Present (24 years 6 months)
I have been writing Poetry, Prose and Film scripts for over 13 years. My style focuses on descriptive imagery, extended metaphors, symbols, and euphony. I've been published in print and web publications.
Currently, I am working on my first novel, "The Gods of New York," a satirical tragicomedy about the Greek gods losing their powers because of Zeus's decision to chain Prometheus to a rock.
One thousand years have gone by since the Zeus stepped down from Olympus to Earth. At the Fates' counsel he is a told to find the Oracle of Delphi, who is now the successful owner of a seaside Club Med. She reveals a prophesy in a drunken stupor, which leads Zeus to an internet cafe, where he finds George, a key piece of the puzzle, and so begins "how to assimilate to NY" education by the owner's nephew, half Greek and half Irish stoner who's sent to his aunt and uncle's home each summer to stay out of trouble and become "more Greek."
For creative writing projects, contact me at: lmparisyan@gmail.com.
New York, NY
Jun 2015 - Aug 2015 (2 months)
Created copy and content for a co-living space in New York.
Freelance Copywriter
New York, NY
Jan 2015 - Jan 2015
Contract Content Strategist
2013 - 2014 (1 year)
I helped develop the concept and tone behind the NuBello brand: a vegetable and fruit based protein powder that's ideal for natural energy and weight loss. I wrote press releases, web copy, blogs, edited, and proofread the site. I also worked with the site's graphic designer to create a clean and minimalist design that optimized UX.
Contract Copywriter
2013 - 2013
Wrote content and proofread Microsoft Surface's branding guidelines. Also, I collaborated with graphic designers to make sure content was properly aligned with the visual imagery.
Web & New Media Consultant
Canon USA
2012 - 2013 (1 year)
I was hired as a contract worker, and I reported to two managers, who then reported to Japanese and American managers. At Canon, I was expected to summarize my work activities every 30 minutes, and send these descriptions my managers at the end of each day. I worked on three projects and two independent research studies: the first was to investigate, analyze and propose the best social media naming conventions as well as identify the best strategies for regional market divisions on eStores.
The second project was researching IBM’s Websphere, learning its capabilities, and working closely with Canon’s IT department to understand the structure of the site’s backend as well as determine the difficulties of integration, the level of labor and resources required to implement this project, and a simultaneous global redesign. It was extremely fascinating, challenging, and a wonderful environment for a person with my unquenchable thirst for knowledge.
Beyond these responsibilities, I attended several weekly meetings, and took meeting minutes virtually verbatim because recording discussions was forbidden. I would organize the discussion points into objectives, action items, and not only remind my manager, but any of the parties with assigned tasks to ensure projects were moving along without any major problems.
I met with the Legal & Compliance team, which had previously rejected the attendance of the last four of five consultants. It was one of those cases, where I was respectful, spoke when only spoken to, and when asked for my opinion or input by my manager, began to become respected, and was eventually assigned the task of finding out data storage processes and retention rates, which were essential components of writing Canon’s new Confidentiality Agreement.
At Canon, I became interested in Internet Law, which is sort of in its Wild West phase of history, and applied what I learned to future job positions in the Technology sector.
Marketing Coordinator
North Shore-LIJ Health System
2012 - 2012
- Created a 24-page branding manual for print, OOH and digital marketing
- Managed a team of four (out-of-house) graphic designers and an intern
- Created hospital/department marketing materials for over 200 campaigns
- Lead creative direction for print and marketing content, including eNewsletter, HealthPort, video, journal/adspace marketing
- Created new graphic templates with designers based on a case-by-case basis
- Organized events, symposiums and emergency announcements during Hurricane Sandy
Public Relations Specialist
2008 - 2009 (1 year)
I graduated college at an interesting time for the Writing world, which was just making the switch over from traditional, long-form editorial writing to short-form, less grammatically complex, colloquial web writing.
The recession was beginning to rear its ugly head, and many of my classmates and I had to just find a job that would keep us afloat. Compounded by the fact that I received a Creative Writing degree, I had to use my writing skills and oral communication skills to convince Leviton Manufacturing, a family-owned marine hardware and lightning control company that I was the best choice for its opening in Public Relations.
It was my first ever interview outside of the Restaurant & Hospitality world, and I remember wearing a business dress that was too big at the waist, and pumps that were pinching my feet before I even made it into the office. I looked in the mirror before heading out the door, and I felt like a child playing dress up. Yet despite the anxiety, I decided to be completely honest during the two-part interview process, and was far more eloquent than I could have imagined, and somehow miraculously landed the job. There was the customary handshake and the immediate phone calls to friends and family, and that unforgettable first time joy of securing “an adult” job.
I learned a lot working under the Director of Public Relations. At Leviton, I became BrazenCareerist's first, Gen-Y blogger, and wrote posts that were informative and humorous, and gradually built a strong following. Social Media at the time was still relatively new, and didn't have half of the capacities, features or customer acquisition potential it does today. I instantly gravitated towards the technology, and created YouTube and Facebook accounts, and began reading white papers, articles and watching videos about these exciting new social sharing platforms. It was an instant attraction; I became a first wave digital flocker to the temples of The Third Space.
Makeup Artist (student)
Christine Valmy
2008 - 2008
Concept Developer
Headbox UK
2007 - 2007