Section through Phase II: Culinary and Event Space
Section through Phase II: culinary and event space
Night rendering in event space
Day Rendering
Board 1
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Board 2
Board 3
Board 4
Board 5
Board 6
Green Roof Terraces
Large section perspective
Living Terraces

Our design focuses on incorporating
vegetation and creating open space through terraced green roofs around a central courtyard. These features help improve air quality (a significant concern in the neighborhood), reduce urban heat island effect, manage stormwater runoff, and provide additional insulation for the buildings themselves. The terraced form also helps break up the relatively large building, preventing it from feeling massive and institutional like the site’s former occupant. The courtyard will serve as open space that is protected by the buildings around it, providing a pleasant and safe outdoor area for residents and customers. The incorporation of green roofs will provide
employment opportunities for neighborhood residents through Sustainable South Bronx’s
BEST program, which trains locals in
sustainable construction and employs many trainees through its offshoot corporation, SmartRoofs and well as promote hands-on education of nature for students.

Lina Chan
M.Arch Graduate Los Angeles, CA