Long Beach, CA
Sep 2014 - Present (10 years 3 months)
Vice President
Jul 2014 - Present (10 years 5 months)
Vice President: Assist the President, and preside all events and meetings in the absent of the President. Help plan, organize, and host events and meetings.
Translator, Tzu Ching Staff in Torrance, Tzu Ching Volunteer
Sep 2013 - Present (11 years 3 months)
Translator: Translate Tzu Chi web articles from Mandarin to English.
Tzu Ching Staff in Torrance: Organize, contact volunteers, photograph, and host monthly Torrance senior care center events.
Tzu Ching Volunteer: Attend and help out in volunteer services such as senior care center, distribution service, beach clean up, home visit, and Ronald McDonald House. Attend and help out Tzu Chi events such as annual ceremonies, set up booths, introduce the organization to the community.
College Of The Arts Delegate
Mar 2014 - May 2014 (2 months)
Attend biweekly COTA meetings
-Vote on behalf of the design students
-Update DSA on COTA information
Art Teacher's Assistant
Sep 2012 - Jun 2013 (9 months)
Help students on their work, help organize student work and sketches, hang student work onto the wall, manage the material check out desk, and keep the room clean.
Chinese School Teacher Assistant
Torrance Chinese School
Jan 2011 - May 2011 (4 months)
Grade student homework, assist teacher during class, and help students on their work and learning.