Exhibit Designer
Sé, Brazil
Feb 2018 - Present (7 years 1 month)
Exhibit Designer
Curitiba, Brazil
Jun 2012 - Feb 2018 (5 years 8 months)
Design stands, displays for exhibits and events all over the country.
Design the concept of the stand by the client briefing.
Focus on the innovation, using new materials and technologies.
Detailing the space in blueprints.
Making new projects using sustainability methods. Recycling materials.
Curitiba, Brazil
Jun 2009 - Oct 2009 (4 months)
- Creation of the 2010 catalog of the furniture maker Oré Brasil. Editing the book, choosing/correcting the product pictures were one of the my responsabilities in the internship.
- Also developing the catalog for the website and flyers to be distributed in furniture and design fairs in the country.