Vote Local PA Logo
Vote Local PA Logo
Vote Local Logo (non-state designated)
Vote Local PA 2018 Counties (67)
Vote Local PA 2018 Counties (67)
Vote Local PA 2018: Ambassadors
Vote Local PA 2018: Candidate Spotlight: State House, State Senate, and U.S. Congress
Vote Local PA 2018: Collateral: Email/Social Media
Vote Local PA 2018: 3.66" x 8.5" Palm Card Template
Vote Local PA 2018: 11" x 6" Direct Mail Template
Vote Local PA 2018: 4.75" x 13" Door Hanger Template
Vote Local PA 2018: Email/Social Media Template
Vote Local PA 2018: 1200 x 628 Facebook Template
Vote Local PA 2018: 1024 x 512 Twitter Template
Vote Local PA 2018: Eugene DePasquale, Email/Social Media
Vote Local 2018: 1200 x 628 Facebook Advertising
Vote Local 2018: 1200 x 628 Facebook Advertising, Shop
Vote Local PA 2018: 1200 x 628 Facebook Advertising, GOTV: Find Your Polling Location
Vote Local PA 2018: 1200 x 628 Facebook Advertising, GOTV
Vote Local PA 2018: 1200 x 628 Facebook Advertising, GOTV: Polls Open
Vote Local PA 2018: Social Media, Keep Calm and Vote Local
Vote Local PA 2018: Social Media, Congratulations
Vote Local PA 2018

Vote Local PA is a powerful new (e.g. 2018) tool for Democrats that consists of a fully comprehensive, statewide coordinated campaign program that provides candidate/ballot lookup tools, digital and field campaign collateral, and consistent Democratic messaging for ALL 67 counties in Pennsylvania. Vote Local PA helps empower Democratic activists and organizations across the Commonwealth by giving them the ability to execute a streamlined, uniform communication program, both online and in the field.

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Freelance, Full-time
Lenore Wetzel
Creative Director New Kensington, PA