Digger-bot by Leighton Hubbell
Bulko-bot by Leighton Hubbell
Compresso-bot by Leighton Hubbell
Bass-bot by Leighton Hubbell
Thunderbot by Leighton Hubbell
Crustacean Bot by Leighton Hubbell
Wok-bot by Leighton Hubbell
Margarita-bot by Leighton Hubbell

Initially started as a personal project from the March of Robots event on Instagram, it blossomed into something even bigger. I didn't want to make my robots overly sinister or dark, but fun, quirky and maybe even useful. They each have a different skill or task and are purposefully colored with a unique palette.

I have had some real fun creating these creatures, so this will be an on-going project. Stay tuned for new ones.

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Freelance, Full-time, Moonlighting
Leighton Hubbell
Art director | Designer | Illustrator Anaheim, CA