After the project was finished, I picked my top ten favorites of the group.
Selected prints are available at my online store. If you'd like to buy prints, visit:
300 Random icons

For 2012, I decided to challenge myself with a personal project. The thought was to expand my concepting and illustration skills on a much higher level than I was used to professionally. My project was called 300 Random Icons.

The challenge in a nutshell was to create an icon for whatever random two-word phrases I could come up with. Some were common, some were timely, some were even ridiculous. But, they were all there to try and visualize in a single image for my blog followers to see. They weren't all great, but some turned out pretty nice.

Feel free to take a look here, and if you're so inclined, check out the complete collection.

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Freelance, Full-time, Moonlighting
Leighton Hubbell
Art director | Designer | Illustrator Anaheim, CA