This image shows an initial sketch. The first idea was to encase the dog washer product, to make it extremely portable.
This sketch shows the development of the dog washer.
This image shows how water could be stored within the product using a bottle, which is something dog walkers carry with them.
Here is a sketch showing the brush used to clean the muddy dog.
This is a developed idea of the brush.
This sketch shows a nozzle idea.
This image shows a sketch of a nozzle, which has been developed to enhance the water flow through it.
This sketch scenario shows how the dog washer product would be hung from the boot of a vehicle to provide pressure for the water to be released through the nozzle.
This sketch shows how the product could be encased, with a neat handle to easily carry it.
This image shows that the product comes with a brush, hose, pipe, case, water holder and towel.
This is an image of my cutie-pie puppie, Pippa, testing out the dog washer product.
In this image, Pippa is being cleaned by the dog washer after a muddy walk.
The product effectively cleans the dog's paws.
Here, the product is being tested by hanging it from a vehicle.
Dog Washer

The Dog Washer Project began with a group of us being asked by a company to create a product that would fit into their current range, and we designed a Dog Washer concept to help keep dogs clean after muddy walks.

Larysa Riddell
Product Design Student & Customer Service Specialist Nottingham, United Kingdom