Bel-Apericube - Dipping cheese packaging
Landor associates, Paris
Cigaret Packaging Innovation - creation of packaging preserving the freshness of each cigaret
modele depose
Landor associates, Paris
Cigaret Packaging Innovation - creation of packaging preserving the freshness of each cigaret
modele depose
Landor associates, Paris
Cigaret Packaging Innovation - creation of packaging preserving the freshness of each cigaret
modele depose
Landor associates, Paris
special event glass bottle Evian Origine - Special event bottle for Evian mineral water.
Landor associates, Paris
Top Com, best packaging
Epica Award
T&T award, Best Insight and creativity
NPD, Premium vodka, MEY - Landor associates, Istanbul
cross brands bottles design, Unilever - Dragon Rouge, Suresnes. France
Special event gift pack, Johnnie Walker, Diageo - Landor associates, Paris
Perrier nomad & Fluo - Grand Prix Design Strategies
Dragon Rouge, Suresnes. France
Vodka Lokka - Mey, Turkey
Glass producer: SaverGlass
Landor associates, Istanbul & Paris
Observeur du Design