Designer / Partner
Bent by design
2007 - Present (18 years)
We believe in the intrinsic value of the fine materials, exceptional style and solid construction. We use time honoured methods to create furniture of lasting beauty. We like to fuse traditional knowledge and skill with a modern context to create a new genre of furniture.
Dovetail furniture / The design store
2006 - 2007 (1 year)
The Dovetail factory build on a 2 acre land away from the city limits is an exciting place to be. As a designer here I primarily had an exciting opportunity to design home furniture for 'The Design Store' (Dovetail's furniture showroom). Apart from this I have worked on lab furniture for the NCBS (National Center for Biological Sciences) and retail fixtures for its clients, Pantaloons and APC.
RF Square
2004 - 2006 (2 years)
Aranganathan, the Managaing Director of RF Square, had this 'nothing is impossible' attitude that reflected in every dedicated individual who was part of it.
As a designer here I was part of retails projects with their clients' brand stores like 'Newport' and 'LEE'.
A healthy work culture at RF Square helped me explore and make newer retail fixture systems.
User Experience Design
MindTree Ltd.
2003 - 2004 (1 year)
Every day was rejuvenating at MindTree. I was proud to be associated with this organisation as it had an attitude of sharing, caring and learning. This was reflected in its socially responsible attitude towards the differently able and under privileged.
During my stay here I was responsible for Information Architecture and User Experience Design for various applications developed for clients 'Volvo' and 'ABB'
User Experience Design
Valtech India
2001 - 2002 (1 year)
Then known as 'Netkraft India Pvt. Ltd.', here was my first place as a UX designer. I was thrilled to part of the much touted energetic and talented creative team headed by Shiva Kumar at Netkraft. The learning I had here with Shiva and his team countinues to aid me in the UX design projects that I still undertake.
Designcore India Pvt Ltd
2000 - 2001 (1 year)
Every project at Designcore was a new challenge. Design patron and managing director, Surya Prakash, with his radical views on design and on things in general always gave a project newer perspectives and directions.
Product Designer
Harita Seating Systems Limited
2000 - 2001 (1 year)
Then known as 'Harita Grammer Ltd.', one of TVS group of companies, undertakes passenger seat design, development and manufacturing. Located at Karnataka and Tamilnadu border, the early morning travel was long and scenic, cutting across many villages and long green patches.
This was the final project before convocating from my design school (NID). In this project, titled ‘Saddling the iron horse’, I was expected to develop seating system design for Indian Railway coaches (2nd AC 2-tier). This was a live project and it was from RCF (Rail Coach Factory), Kapurtala, Punjab, India.
Product Designer
VIP Industries Ltd.
Aug 1998 - Oct 1998 (2 months)
It so happened that my industrial training period was in the best months of the year and in one of the historic cities of India, Nashik.
Pleasant climate, picturesque surroundings and its greenery had a great impact on my design thinking and learning here and it resulted in some innovative ideas, concepts and prototypes. I was handed a project to design soft grip handles for hard molded luggage’s, which were well received and appreciated.