Journal ad for healthcare professionals, highlighting the emotional and painful symptoms of depression. The objective was for physicians to inform their patients about the support program and get them to sign up.
Journal ad for healthcare professionals, highlighting the emotional and painful symptoms of depression. The objective was for physicians to inform their patients about the support program and get them to sign up.
Convention booth highlighting the emotional and painful symptoms patients with depression live with everyday. The use of blue is a brand color but also a color that is often associated with depression so it was heavily used throughout along with "real people" patient imagery.
Within the convention booth, many interactive stations were set up for reps to detail doctors on the drug as well as areas for doctors to play interactive games where they learned more about product benefits.
Interactive game was developed, using characters representing different types of painful symptoms patients might describe to their physicians. The game was very popular, often with lines of doctors waiting to play and compare their scores against their peers.
The Eyes of Pain (print ads, posters, convention booth, interactive game)

Depression hurts. It is a real disease that affects real people with real emotions and real pain. This campaign focuses on how Cymbalta has a support program to help because treatment requires more than just a medication. Included in the campaign were print ads, sales tools, direct mail, convention booths and interactive video games at the conventions.

Creative Director/Copywriter Columbus, OH