Website developed using the rhino and butterfly assets to grab attention and tie into the print campaign.

Sales aid used by reps calling on physicians...was said to be one of the most successful sales tools as doctors loved the imagery of the rhino and the butterfly.

Inside spread of the sales aid, pulling through more imagery of the rhino and butterfly incorporated onto pages pointing out product attributes.

Convention booth giveaway, spoofing Seurat's famous "Sunday in the Park" painting. The illustrator who did the rhino version, Dave Groff, was also featured on a door drop passed out at physicians' hotel. The door drop directed them to come to the booth where Groff would personally sign their posters. Doctors lined up for hours to get his signature.

Cyranose stuffed animals were also created every year to go along with the calendar theme. These were popular collectibles among physicians at conventions where they were given away. Sales reps also delivered these to their doctor to help them gain access. As soon as the doctor saw the stuffed animal, the rep automatically got a few minutes of their precious time.

Developed a calendar for healthcare professionals to hang in their offices. Each year, the calendar featured a different theme with the rhino and the butterfly, icons for the brand. The rhino was called Cyranose and for this year, we made him a superhero and Flutter, the butterfly was his sidekick. Together, they battled villainous allergens. Doctors loved this calendar so much that they often asked for multiple copies to take home and to give to their patients.

Interior of the calendar, showing how the comic book feel was pulled throughout. Each month was a different caper...in this month, Cyranose and Flutter were fighting the Grass Gang as grass allergies usually becomes a problem in the springtime.