Prior to a presentation we wanted to introduce the team that would be working with the client. Rather than just do a traditional org chart or PPT slide, individual "trading cards" were created that represented each member of the team. The front of the card had a picture of each person with some prop that says something about who they are or what they are passionate about. On the backside was more traditional info about experience they can provide on the team.
After one of the most talked-about direct mail presentations within the agency, it was important to leave something behind that would remind the clients not only about each idea that was presented, but why they should want to work with us.
Prior to a presentation about where we wanted to take the Cymbalta brand, we sent each client a teaser to generate excitement for the upcoming meeting. This idea featured a card with a different zoo animal bookmark. The headline on the front read: Set them free. This tied into the meeting theme: Freeing Connections. Inside the card, there was a simple yet relevant quiz question that also tied into the theme. They also received a ticket for their entry into the Indianapolis Zoo.
Presentations (teasers, ice breakers, leave behinds)

A PPT deck is never enough. A presentation must go beyond the expected to be remembered. It should start with a teaser that is delivered a day or two before the excite them for what they will see. Once in the meeting, do an icebreaker or give them something to engage them from the start. And by all means, leave behind an item that makes them remember not only what they saw but why they want to see more.

Freelance, Full-time
Creative Director/Copywriter Columbus, OH