Global ad for the launch of Yentreve, the world's first medication for stress urinary incontinence for women. Ads were all designed with a feminine tone and feel as this was the ultimate end-user of the product. Each headline talked about how the product could help her live life as normal.
Global ad for the launch of Yentreve, the world's first medication for stress urinary incontinence for women. Ads were all designed with a feminine tone and feel as this was the ultimate end-user of the product. Each headline talked about how the product could help her live life as normal.
Global ad for the launch of Yentreve, the world's first medication for stress urinary incontinence for women. Ads were all designed with a feminine tone and feel as this was the ultimate end-user of the product. Each headline talked about how the product could help her live life as normal.
Selling tool used by the sales force when promoting the product to doctors. The image on the front spoke to the patient type which is often important when trying to get doctors to adopt a new drug.
Created a brand book to be used by internal marketing team members as well as other vendors who would need to understand strategy, messaging, brand hallmarks and the brand character.
interior pages of the brand book
Interior pages of the brand book
A B-2-B letter sent out to inform medical directors at institutions why they should fight to have Yentreve on hand for their doctors and their patients.
Front cover of the "Made for Her" campaign book, used to direct other vendors on how to execute the new campaign.
Interior spread of the campaign book, pulling through campaign imagery as well as colors, type face and tone of copy.
Message guide developed to train the marketing team and sales force on key selling messages for the brand at launch.
Interior spread of the message guide, showing the use of brand colors along with rationale around key messaging.
Made for Her (print campaign, sales aid, direct mail, brand book)

Developed a multitude of tactics to launch a global campaign for Eli Lilly's first stress urinary incontinence (SUI) medication for women, Yentreve. SUI can be a humiliating condition for the millions of women suffering from forces them to stop living their normal lives out of fear and embarrassment. This campaign illustrated how Yentreve is made to help her live the life she wants without worry. Campaign consisted of journal ads, detail aids for the sales force, sell sheets, direct mail as well as a brand book for the internal marketing team and vendors.

Creative Director/Copywriter Columbus, OH