A style guide to explain to other agencies and vendors how to execute and maintain consistency for a creative campaign.
Interior pages for the style guide
Interior pages for the style guide
Interior pages for the style guide
A brand book created for the launch of a new product targeted towards women who suffer from stress urinary incontinence. The look and feel of the brand book was to be liberating as this condition can be very embarrassing and often forces women into seclusion early on in their lives.
Interior pages of a brand book for a launch product aimed at women.
Interior pages of a brand book for a launch product aimed at women.
B-2-B letter to medical directors, introducing the launch of a new product for women suffering from stress urinary incontinence. The object of the letter was to convince them that the benefits of the drug were worth fighting to get on formulary.
Front cover of a direct mail piece that was sent out by a regional hospital that was opening a new birthing center. The piece increased awareness and drove in patients to see all the wonderful things the new center had to offer them.
A direct mail piece sent out by a regional hospital, announcing the opening of a state-of-the art birthing center. The piece increased awareness and drove in patients to see all the wonderful things the new center had to offer them.
Message guide developed to train the marketing team and sales force on key selling messages for the brand at launch.
Interior spread of the message guide, showing the use of brand colors along with rationale around key messaging.
Interior spread of the message guide, showing the use of brand colors along with rationale around key messaging.
Pathways was a quarterly newsletter provided to healthcare professionals that featured disease state articles relevant to pain and would highlight stories about Cymbalta when relevant.
Interior spread of Pathways newsletter provided to healthcare professionals.
Interior spread of Pathways newsletter provided to healthcare professionals.
(front cover) Created a brochure to inform healthcare professionals about the F.A.C.E program which Lilly Diabetes sponsors. It is an initiative to help African-American individuals, families and neighborhoods overcome barriers to successfully living with diabetes.
(Inside spread) Created a brochure to inform healthcare professionals about the F.A.C.E program which Lilly Diabetes sponsors. It is an initiative to help African-American individuals, families and neighborhoods overcome barriers to successfully living with diabetes.
(inside spread) Created a brochure to inform healthcare professionals about the F.A.C.E program which Lilly Diabetes sponsors. It is an initiative to help African-American individuals, families and neighborhoods overcome barriers to successfully living with diabetes.
(Inside spread) Created a brochure to inform healthcare professionals about the F.A.C.E program which Lilly Diabetes sponsors. It is an initiative to help African-American individuals, families and neighborhoods overcome barriers to successfully living with diabetes.
Long Copy Examples (style guide, brand books, direct mail)

A series of materials ranging from style guides and brand books to business letters and direct mail brochures requiring longer copy formats.

Creative Director/Copywriter Columbus, OH