Home page for sales force microsite. Designed to look like the interior of a car as this is often their primary office. Once they click on the ignition, they gain access to the site and all the tools and support they need along with contests to keep them motivated.
This page features success stories from other sales reps to help other reps springboard their sales by doing similar things with their doctors.
This page allows the reps to choose their avatar/car which they can customize however they want.
Site map showing the functionality and offerings. The idea was to continue to expand on this site based on rep feedback of what was working and what wasn't.
Ignition (website)

Concepted an inspiring and interactive resource to support the sales force in the field as well as motivate them to reach their goals.
A car platform was chosen because for pharmaceutical sales representatives their car is their primary office. Clicking on the ignition switch is what gets everything started. Each rep can select and customize a car/avatar. The site includes tools, industry news, blogs, games and contests.

Creative Director/Copywriter Columbus, OH