Ad promoting the benefits of a new hemostatic pad that stops bleeds in their tracks, allowing the surgeon to feel like a hero. This idea tested very well but in the end, the client decided to go with a "safer" option.
An ad announcing a new medication for osteoarthritis...offering pain relief for patients who still live active lives. This ad was shot but the clients changed their strategy so it never ran.
Concept developed for a pitch presentation for an osteoarthritis cream. It didn't go to the pitch because the strategy was changed at the last minute.
A fun product ad for a mealtime insulin medication that communicated wide spread insurance availability. Clients pulled the budget after the ad was produced so it never ran.
Concept ad introducing the first pill to treat women suffering from stress urinary incontinence. This condition causes women to leak urine when the laugh, cough, sneeze or lift and can be very embarrassing. With the availability of this medication, women were able to be themselves more freely with less worry of an accident. This ad never ran as the medication did not receive FDA approval in the US.
Pitch concept created to illustrate the urgency in preventing prostate cancer for men who are worried about feeling less like a man.
Patients don't want BPH to slow them down. And with Flomax, nothing will disturb their lives.
Concept to announce a new type of treatment for people suffering from fibromyalgia. This idea visually combined science with humanity.
Ideas that I loved but didn't live

These are all ideas that I loved but for various reasons didn't actually get produced.

Creative Director/Copywriter Columbus, OH