Journal ad that highlights how the product treats all types of bleeds during surgery--from oozing to spurting. While the graphic nature of the blood fountains might seem gross and off-putting to a consumer, surgeons love to see it. As long as they know they can control it.
Idea for how to extend the attention-getting blood fountain idea into a convention booth setting. Again, surgeons don't mind seeing blood. It's part of their everyday lives.
iPad sales tool execution of the blood fountains allows sales representatives to illustrate how the product can stop bleeds--from oozing to spurting. Once they have the surgeons' attention, then they can go into their selling message.
Fountain (ad, congress booth and iPad sales tool)

Developed an ad, convention booth display and interactive iPad sales tool for a product that helps surgeons stop all types of bleeds fast during surgery. Surgeons don't mind blood, it's what they do every day, so using imagery that highlights the product's benefits in a unique way was appealing to them.

Creative Director/Copywriter Columbus, OH