Most ads for conditions that affect men, show men. But their wives suffer too. And they're often the ones who make the man visit their doctor. So this campaign approaches the topic of BPH through that lens. The target audience is typically older men so images of older, real-looking women were selected to be more believable and give the ads a touch of whimsy.
Most ads for conditions that affect men, show men. But their wives suffer too. And they're often the ones who make the man visit their doctor. So this campaign approaches the topic of BPH through that lens. The target audience is typically older men so images of older, real-looking women were selected to be more believable and give the ads a touch of whimsy.
Most ads for conditions that affect men, show men. But their wives suffer too. And they're often the ones who make the man visit their doctor. So this campaign approaches the topic of BPH through that lens. The target audience is typically older men so images of older, real-looking women were selected to be more believable and give the ads a touch of whimsy.
For Him. For Us. (print campaign)

Pitch campaign for Flomax, a drug for men with benign prostatic hyperplasia. This idea was built around an insight that it is not just men who suffer from the problem, so do their wives. And it is often the wives who ensure their husbands seek treatment. Images of real-looking women in slightly whimsical poses were selected to give the campaign more character.

Creative Director/Copywriter Columbus, OH