Behavioral science tool

The Challenge: The marketing team was challenged to continuously create test-and-learn strategies.

The Journey: I started to see the team become frustrated. They were slicing and dicing the same data over-and-over. There was a feeling of staleness to the test-and-learn approach.

The Solution: The Creative Persuasion Assessment breaks apart a marketing piece (an e-mail, a printed piece, a web page), from a behavioral science perspective, and gives marketers a new qualitative opportunity to test-and-learn. I coupled the assessment with a visual heat mapping tool that will verify or challenge the current design. Thereby creating a second test-and-learn opportunity.

The marketing and product owners were very supportive and engaged with these tools. The tools, when used together, were the foundation of an actual visual representation of the test-and-learn approach. Everyone could see the data verified champion creative, and the revised challenger on The Wall of Fame.

Kurt Klenzman
Creative Director Minneapolis, MN