Art Director
Dec 2012 - Present (12 years 3 months)
Tasks including responsive web design, digital advertising, concepting, social media adv. and apps, wire-framing, story boarding and video editing. Clients include: Ferrari, Liquid Plumr, Tilex, Splendid, Lifestyle Mirror, Elizabeth Street, Stella McCartney, H&M and more.
Art Director
Wilton, CT
Jan 2010 - Dec 2012 (2 years 11 months)
Pepsi Sports, Brand and Shopper Marketing. Tasks including print design, event planning, OOH, billboards, 3D renders, illustration, retail POS, proofing, photo shoots and some web. Main Client: Pepsi, and its sub brands.
Kenneth Cole Productions
2009 - 2009
Presentation preparation, odd jobs and small design projects.
Center for Neurological Restoration
2008 - 2009 (1 year)
Collaboration logo development and brand identity
The Dornenburg Group
West Hartford, CT
2008 - 2008
Brochure design for the Urban League of Hartford and developed t-shirt ideas for Hooker Brewery