Rapp Worldwide - Future Garden http://rcw.2a-archive.com - LED screens, keyboards and much more pop up in a beautiful swirl of technology. As you scroll down this ever-growing garden, small icons appear to pop up, new information, or take you to new sections of the site. An engaging and perfect site design for a company that is growing and changing, but not through the marketing methods of the past.
Rapp Worldwide - Future Garden - New employee welcome kit rcw.2a-archive.com
Best Buy Know Zone - Best Buy needed to become more personal with the customer, not simply a product - price website, but rather an informative, friendly place that knows you and your purchasing habits.
Best Buy My Zone - From the Know Zone, you can then go one step deeper into My Zone. Content heavy and rich with products purchased, expiration dates, blogs, even a special section, the Care Zone, that highlights upcoming events, fun facts and the latest products we're sure you'd be interested in.
Best Buy Wish List - A section within My Zone is a Wish List. Keeping record of all of the products you wish you could own. Be notified if a product you wished for is on sale, where it can be purchased, or new arrivals relevant to the equipment you own.
Samsung - Galaxy - A site helping to introduce the entire Galaxy line. Increasing awareness and helping to elevate the Samsung brand name.
Carousel of images from the tv campaign reinforcing 'Vacation Like You Mean It' and promotional events.
In this rich media idea, two different banners interact with each other. Spider-Man breaks through his banner spinning a web flying right at us. The family in the banner next to Spider-Man watches his actions and reacts in amazement.
Social Media callouts will be visible at the top of the page throughout the site. Clicking on these buttons will open up a new browser window, displaying the selected social media page for Discover Network. This technology provides comprehensive tracking and data around subsequent clicks from the Microsite, including Mobile. The YouTube button will open up a new browser window displaying Discover Network's YouTube channel where user can view more DN's videos. This channel allows commenting and sharing.
Direct Energy - Tree of Life - A social networking site with a conscience. Where the power comes from people coming together in communities to make a difference. People doing everything from simple, common sense steps to innovative neighborhood projects that not only save the energy we use in our homes, but the very environment we live in.
Diet Pepsi - Rookie of the Year - Stats, facts and information relevant to the upcoming football season. From coaches notes to recruiters and their findings.
Dobbs Hats - Timeline, Be a Paparazzi, the Attitude Meter, vintage gangster movie clips and Snoop Dogs tip of the day and a personal voice mail intro for download.
City Place - A site specifically designed to entertain, yet inform the viewer of convention rooms, rates, events and a special intranet wedding section for your own wedding pics with password protected viewing.
Cold Beer and Ammo - http://www.coldbeer-ammo
Sonic - I did an entire microsite for Sonic. It was a challenge they hold nationally and the winning franchise goes to Vegas. There was a live action video, revolving bracket updates, facebook, MySpace and all things Social. I have a 21 pg pdf of the site if you’d like to see.
Mountain Dew - Fan and gammers section
Direct Energy - Canada - Banner ad talking to you about the upcoming winter. She walks out and tells you about doing an update on your furnace, use this link and get your furnace checked, plus a data capture section to help answer any questions with a 24/7 hotline.
Ryan's Buffet Mobile - Primary Nav, Menus, Locations, Nutrition, Promotions
Cool Red - eMail blast
LensCrafters - email
John Deere - Data capture. Get people to fill out a form and use sticky notes to write down ideas about how they used a John Deere product to help beautify their home. Enter to win $1,000 just for entering.
Pepsi Mobile
New Business - Tribal DDB challenged me with a new look for an elite shopping experience in Las Vegas. Crystal’s at CityCenter. They wanted something functional, informative, yet unique in its page layout and UX.
New Business
Susan Posnick
Interactive / UX
Kevin Foreman
Digital Creative Director Dallas, TX