I specialize in UI design and development.
When it comes to creating a great web app, the initial planning phases can be the most important part. I have a lot of experience working with business to establish the goals of a project, gather requirements, and create meaningful user stories. Once this is done, I have good idea about which direction to take with the UI/UX.
The next step is to develop user workflows and begin putting together site maps and wireframes to support them. I'm able to take information from requirements and other project documentation, along with user testing feedback and additional research, to build the foundation for great web apps.
I have a great eye for clean design, with a respectable amount of graphic design work under my belt. I utilize my design expertise to create sites that are beautiful and intuitive. I make sure I know who the user is, and create an interface with them in mind.
When it's time to start converting wireframes and mockups into living code, I'm there too. I'm an expert when it comes to HTML (XHTML, HTML5, etc.) and CSS (CSS3, graceful degradation, preprocessors, etc.). I've built frameworks from scratch that are robust, feature-rich, legacy browser-friendly, responsive/adaptive, and lightweight. I have experience using JS libraries, like jQuery, Angular, and React, to trigger animations and other interactive site elements.