Peer reviews and usability tests: I conducted in-person usability tests and peer reviews, helping the team pull information from nine tests and 18 reviews to identify what worked and did not work well on the website.
Two proto-personas helped us keep the client's business goals and the users' needs in mind when testing and making recommendations. When preparing the donor persona, I cited extensive research regarding what types of people donate and why, and how we're persuaded to.
A report midway through the project helped us communicate our progress, check our direction, and set expectations.
I led the redesign of a 14-page final report, down from 25 pages, summarizing our findings and recommendations. The report and an in-person meeting with key members of the council capped our part of the project.
Wireframes and a prototype ( I created using Axure RP stimulated more conversation with stakeholders about how changes to the website's architecture could promote its goals: making it easier to find information on the website and donate.
UX Research for BSA-LA

BSA-LA leadership wanted to improve how members donate to and find information on their website ( One webmaster designs the site he inherited and updates site content.

I worked in a team of six students over about six weeks to learn the stakeholders' business goals, what users thought worked and didn't work about the website, how the website fit into the organization's activities, and how we could help. After peer reviews, usability tests, and online surveys, we wrote and presented our recommendations for improving site navigation and page layout.

Julian Gautier
User experience researcher and designer Los Angeles, CA