Interview and usability testing: I developed scripts for conducting interviews and recorded usability testing with IT customer support administrators and staff and USC students in order to learn what the goals of the website are, what types of IT issues students encounter, how students and staff address those issues, and how the website helps and can help.
Interview and usability testing: I moved the scripts to online web forms and conducted guerrilla interviews and usability testing on a tablet. The web forms' data entry constraints helped me refocus the questions and tasks and streamlined data entry, making it easier to continuously improve the scripts and gather better insights.
Interview and usability testing: Several of the scripts' broad questions and tasks helped uncover how other websites and touch points influence the ways in which users expect to resolve IT issues. One student mentioned the different icons representing the same services on other USC websites.
Peer Review: I summarized content, navigation, and design strategies from other top universities' IT websites to help generate solutions.
Peer Review A review of the wording used on peer websites helped inspire ideas about reaching the most appropriate tone for the content on USC's IT website.
Peer review
Web analytics research: A review of Google Analytics data provided insight into how the audience pages have been used over time, before and after a notable site redesign, and helped validate or redirect findings from my other research. I presented the most impactful quantitative data to bolster evidence of certain user behavior on the audience pages.
Recommendations: My recommendations included a draft of the "For Students" page content next to the page's current content. This facilitated a discussion about what these changes might look like for this page, and the best methods for reworking content on the other audience pages.
UX Research and Content Strategy for USC ITS Audience Pages

I worked with an information architect at USC's IT Services web team to make recommendations for the audience-based navigation on the team's website, where members of the USC community sign up for IT services. We focused on the "For Students" and "For Visitors" pages. I conducted user, peer and web analytics research and facilitated a discussion of research findings and recommendations with the team.

Julian Gautier
User experience researcher and designer Los Angeles, CA