Product Designer of the Pontificia Bolivariana University in Colombia, with a master degree in Communication and creative direction at IED (Instituto Europeo di design) Madrid (Communication Design Labs MDI).
He is a Creative mind with an emphasis on Strategic Design and innovation methodologies applied to his technical knowledge as a designer in order to adopt new ways of thinking. He has a deep knowledge in developing and creating products as well as in communication strategies as a planner and in all facets of marketing with a great ability to detect potential customers, markets and trends to capture needs and requirements and find innovative solutions and also to design strategies of new business ideas.
He also has experience in Design research, Design thinking, Business models, User experience, Agile and Blue print applied in his work experience with a strong scientific, artistic and technological content, which have been implemented in productions of large-scale events, experiences design, memorable services and products in both the public and private sectors, with a high level of 3D and 2D expression.
-1 Price in the Fashion Weekenn lab Madrid 2017
-Honorable Mention for Excellence at third semester with the project Bunga-Liv.
-Honorable Mention (second place) for fast industrial design at the second semester.
-Honorable mention (first place) for fast industrial design at fifth semester.
-Honorable Mention (first place) for fast industrial design at sixth semester.
-Honorable Mention at seventh semester for the project ONIRI product module and identity.
-Honorable mention at eighth semester for the AGATHA furniture project for product module housing and habitat.
-Honorable mention at ninth semester for the project VEZA store point of sale.