This collection of works represent pieces included in either my comics or zines or used as promotional art. While these feature my friend, Rusty Rowley, I am the sole creator of the pieces here.
09 - "Chu Chu and the King" (2012)
Media: Digital (Photoshop)
When attempting to hawk comic books and zines, it is helpful to stand out. There is not much more noticeable than two grown men who have a full color poster of their own heads. This was the thinking behind this image. I took photographs of both of us and then excised our heads from the images. I created a hot pink background in Photoshop, something designed to stand out against the sea of our black & white publications. I also designed logos for each of us so that it would appear that we are ongoing characters instead of two regular dudes. It is reminiscent of super hero comics, how each different comic book features a unique and representative logo for its title.
10 - "The Bookmark" (2011)
Media: Digital (Illustrator)
The bookmark started with a desire to create something in color. The majority of our comic books and zines are in black & white so creating something to be printed in color is a bit of a luxury. The idea here was to include a ton of stick figure heads and really indulge in the colors around them. Since stick figures are generally black & white, this gives them a large palette to stand out against. Some of the smaller heads are blurred in an effort to invoke distance from the view. Finally, the white dot near the top is a placeholder for where a hole was eventually punched and rainbow thread sewn through.
11 - "Justice Camp (cover)" (2011)
Full Sanction comics
Media: Digital (Illustrator)
Once I learned how to use Illustrator, I left behind creating digital art with Photoshop. The raster world of Photoshop simply cannot hold up to the crisp vectors of Illustrator and, to me, this cover is a perfect example of why. The image conveys the spirit of the story within, which is that our two main characters teach children how to fight crime. The different lessons that are taught are all ridiculous, following through on silly "classes" shown on the report card. I specifically included "handwriting" because it was something I was graded on in Elementary School. It was also something on which i was graded harshly.
12 - "Graham" (2011)
Full Sanction comics
Media: Digital (Photoshop)
Despite vowing to use Illustrator as my sole comic-creating tool, I designed to use Photoshop for an experimental story. This story, "Graham", appeared as a back-up tale in the "Justice Camp" comic and focused on a generic masked robber. I designed to both draw the art as well as tell the story in a very surreal and whimsical way. I included a lot of odd textures and patterns to make the art stand out from the normal, crisp art found in the rest of the issue. Everything was drawn by hand via an electronic drawing pad and stylus. This gave things a loose look while still remaining wholly digital.
13 - "Dirt Worst #2 (cover)" (2010)
Dirt Worst Zines
Media: Digital Photoshop
The "Dirt Worst" series of zines (short for "magazines") are more direct ways for myself and Rusty Rowley to create art that represents us. Instead of using stick figure stand-ins, the zines allow us to create art, stories, or photo collages that do not fit anywhere else. I design every cover with an eye on being as surreal as possible. I also endeavor to always include photographs of us. It is a weird mix. In this piece, I created cannons and then set them against a stone wall texture. The crown I am wearing was the inspiration for such a medieval setting.
Comics and Zines
This collection of works represent pieces included in either my comics or zines or used as promotional art. While these feature my friend, Rusty Rowley, I am the sole creator of the pieces here.