01 - "Gaze Unto Tomorrow" (2011) The Full Sanction Calendar Project Media: Digital (Photoshop) While all of the customer-made images used within the calendar were designed to be humorous, this particular image was also designed to invoke a sense of grandiosity which could cut through the comedy. A standard photograph of a loving couple gazing upon the skyline was warped so that the couple were instead staring, in supposed awe, at the gargantuan behemoths before them. It put a spotlight on both of the masterminds of the project while still framing them in an absurd setting. I used a mask on the two figures so as to make them appear as if grounded in the city.
02 - "Beware the Gaping Maw of My Hetero Life Partner" (2011) The Full Sanction Calendar Project Media: Digital (Photoshop) When presented with a happy couple frolicking on the beach, I instead saw a mostly blank canvas upon which I could brand with my own ideas and, ultimately, my own visage. While many of the other images from the calendar project focused on putting myself and my friend, Rusty Rowley, in realistic (but unexpected) locations, this is one where the rules of reality are discarded. I decided to keep Rusty's size in proper proportion to me as that made it only more ridiculous. To generate the laser, I used a gradient with matching end colors and then feathered it's sides. This created a laser-like look that did not remove it too far from the world around it.
03 - "Are We Late or Were We Not Invited?" (2011) The Full Sanction Calendar Project Media: Digital (Photoshop) While not as ridiculous as photos of Rusty Rowley and myself in cartoonish lands or dwarfing an entire cityscape, this image from the calendar is more artificial than many. The intent was to create something with bombast and impact, much like the Fourth of July or New Year's. An image that, through unusual means, could carry with it some of the explosiveness, literal or figurative, that such holidays imply. To that end, I compiled a number of images and layered them upone one another. The fire, fireworks, trees, van, and, of course, ourselves were all from different images. Put together, it is the visual equivalent of a sandwich with all of your favorite ingredients. Whether it tastes as you hoped is another thing altogether.
04 - "The Blindfold is for the Best" (2011) The Full Sanction Calendar Project Media: Digital (Photoshop) Playing off of a number of in-jokes, this image was designed to make Rusty Rowley as creepy as possible. It also allowed me, a genuine giant, to be placed upon tiny children, which only served to emphasize my size. When I took the original photograph of Rusty in this pose, I had no idea what the world would be like in which it would reside. It turned out to be a perfect match for this piñata-filled party.It was easy to place Rusty into this image but it took quite a bit of time to properly place me behind the crowd of entirely too excited children.
05 - "June, the Scariest Month" (2011) The Full Sanction Calendar Project Media: Digital (Photoshop, Illustrator) While the lure of the Full Sanction Calendar was the collection of absurd photos of Rusty Rowley and I, I was not satisfied with having a calendar filled with only those twelve wacky images. Instead, I wanted to customize each and every month's grid, as well. Most of the months feature only a few pieces of key art or fabricated holidays. This month featured, by far, the most elaborate art found in any of the grids. The intention was to create something unusually large, sufficiently cute, but also slightly unsettling. The result of was a gigantic stick figure head cresting a horizon, backlit by the presumed June sun. The artwork was created in Illustrator and then incorporated into the month grid in Photoshop.
Calendar Project

I created a fully customized calendar that featured photographs of myself and my friend, Rusty Rowley. All photographs were either taken by me or taken from a royalty-free photograph site. All other graphics, images, drawings, etc. were done by me using Photoshop and Illustrator.

Jose Mochove
Graphic Designer and Frequent Talker Brentwood, MD