Master Degree Virtual Learning Environments Virtual Learning
Virtual Educa
2012 - 2013
Academy on Skills Development Training
International Labour Organization ILO
2012 - 2012
The overall objective of this Academy is to strengthen participants’ capacities to improve the relevance, effectiveness and efficiency of their skills development systems, policies, and related programmes, to respond to the needs of the individual, society, and the economy.
Training in Virtual Tutoring Virtual Tutoring
Organization Of American States OAS
2007 - 2007
Course Objective: Train potential virtual tutors to develop pedagogical skills that a virtual learning and asynchronous environment requires so that they can guide and facilitate learning activities and support and evaluate participants in a virtual environment.
Master Degree Information Systems Information Systems
Andres Bello Catholic University
1995 - 1997
Bachelor Science, Major: Education, Pedagogical Science Education
Andres Bello Catholic University
1989 - 1994