Category Developer
Techlink International
Feb 2011 - Present (13 years 11 months)
Lead Designer and Product range developer for Techlink's Cables, Cleaning and Apple accessory products.
Product Designer
Techlink International
Aug 2008 - Jan 2011 (2 years 5 months)
Concept designer for Furniture and Cleaning products.
Detailed, Sampled and Quality Controlled two furniture designs one of which (Ark) is still sold throughout the UK and Europe.
Launched into Apple and then Dixons a range of cleaning products, I designed the Flagship models and monitored the development of the range since.
Developed alongside an external company an iPhone app to support our cable range.
Junior Designer
Aug 2007 - Jul 2008 (11 months)
I designed a series of Point of Sale projects from small Counter top units to full Supermarket bay dressings.
I created detailed assembly diagrams for most projects developed whilst I was working at Display Plan.
I provided constructive insights when brainstorming and took an active role in researching renewable materials to be used in projects.